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The latency is too big

  1. Reduce the buffer size in your audio software. If you’re on windows consider installing ASIO drivers (recommended: ASIO4ALL : https://www.asio4all.org )

The Audio signal sounds distorted/corrupted

  1. Make sure the Digitaize USB Hub is in a distance not more than 3-4 meters from the instrument, and no solid objects are covering it.

  2. Restart your computer

  3. In your destination software check the buffer size of your audio card, make sure to keep it low for the best results. If you’re on windows consider installing ASIO drivers (recommended: ASIO4ALL : https://www.asio4all.org ) as some of the default window audio drivers cannot handle such audio streaming correctly


I can’t record the audio onto the track where the DigitaizeReceive plugin is attached to

To record the audio from Digitaize, you might need to route the output of this track to an input of another track, as most of the DAW’s record the audio ‘pre’ any plugin attached. 


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