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Congratulations on purchasing your new Digitaize instrument or module. Digitaize is the world's first digital violin system. It combines the traditional qualities of an acoustic stringed instrument with the powerful capabilities of digital music technology. You can connect your violin wirelessly to your computer, record a performance, generate Midi pitch and control data as you play, or use 3d motion sensors to capture your movements. A built in wireless microphone will provide you a clear low latency sound straight to your DAW. This is an all-in-one solution designed to inspire all kinds of players.

We hope you have many years of enjoyment playing and exploring these new technologies. We would encourage you to spend some time reading the manual to discover everything that Digitaize has to offer. Have fun making music with Digitaize!

Digitaize User Manual. This manual is copyright © 2024 C.Bechstein Digital GmbH. All reproduction, digital or printed, without written authorisation is strictly prohibited. The information in this manual may change without notice. C. Bechstein product names, logotypes, titles, words or phrases may be registered and protected by German and international law. All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. This manual was last updated November 6th, 2024.


When using Digitaize, basic precautions should always be followed.

  1. Read all the instructions before using this product.

  2. Digitaize uses sophisticated digital microcomputer circuitry. Like all such devices it is subject to interference from nearby electrical devices (TV, radio, etc.). For best performance, operate Digitaize at a distance from these other devices

  3. The product should be connected to a charging device only of the type described in the operating instructions.

  4. The charging device should be unplugged from the outlet when left unused for long periods of time. Care should be taken so that liquids are not spilled onto the unit and all its parts.

  5. Digitaize should be serviced by qualified personnel when:

a. Objects have fallen, or liquid has been spilled onto the product.
b. The product has been exposed to rain.
c. The product does not appear to operate normally or exhibits a marked change in performance.
d. The product has been dropped or the enclosure damaged.

The possible results of incorrect use are marked by one of the two symbols - “WARNING” and “CAUTION” - depending on the imminence of the danger and the severity of the damage.

WARNING: Ignoring these warnings may cause severe injury or death as a result of incorrect operation.

CAUTION: Ignoring these cautions may cause moderate injury or property damage as a result of incorrect operation


  • If water or other foreign objects enter the inside of the device, fire or electric shock may result.

  • Do not attempt to modify this product. Doing so could result in personal injury and/or product failure.


  • Never disassemble or modify the device, as failures may result. • Do not subject to extreme force or failures may result.

  • Keep the electronic modules dry and avoid exposure to extreme temperatures and humidity.

WARNING: follow all mounting instructions in support at http://www.digitaize.eu/support to avoid damaging your instrument.


The Digitaize Module & Smart Violin is an innovative fusion of traditional craftsmanship and modern technology, designed to elevate your musical experience. Whether in the studio, on stage, or in a scoring session, this all-in-one digital solution puts unparalleled expressiveness and control at your fingertips.


  • Wireless Hi-Quality Digital Audio: a wireless, ultra low latency audio stream through a built in omnidirectional microphone and a contact microphone*

  • Polyphonic Pitch-to-Midi Conversion: an integrated state-of-the-art pitch recognition alghorhithm combined with a fingerboard sensor allow the most accurate real time pitch to midi translation available.

  • 3D Motion Tracking: use the instrument movements to control effects, synths and much more.

  • 2 independent wireless modes:

    • Bechstein’s WAM (wireless audio midi) mode allows streaming uncompressed, ultra low latency audio and midi at the same time

    • Bluetooth MIDI - a bluetooth midi connection allowing the midi stream (no audio) to any compatible bluetooth receiver device

  • contact microphone is not available in the Stentor Violin model



an acoustic violin with a factory pre-built Digitaize hardware in it.

  • Violin: Finely carved solid spruce front, carved selected maple back, sides and neck

  • Fingerboard: a built-in Digitaize’s patented digital fingerboard

  • Bow: Fully mounted octagonal bow

  • Rosin: Stentor Bow Rosin

  • USB: 1.5 meter micro USB charging cable

  • Case: EPC core, nylon covered case with integral blanket

  • Digitaize USB Receiver


a DIY set to be mounted on your own acoustic string instrument

Teileleiste_neu (1).svg
  • Digitaize Module

  • Sensor

  • Sensor Link

  • USB-C Receiver

  • USB-C Charging cable


Read carefully following steps before using Digitaize. It is essential to understand all needed setup steps to successfully use the product.



To charge the module, simply use the attached USB-C cable and connect it to any USB-C adapter or computer that supplies power. While charging, an orange LED will illuminate, indicating that the battery is in the process of charging. Once the battery is fully charged, the orange LED will turn off. It takes approximately 2-3hours to fully charge an empty battery.

NOTE: The Module cannot be used while it is charging. Connecting the Module to a charger will cause the unit to power off immediately.

WIRELESS MODES (WAM and Bluetooth)

WAM vs Bluetooth mode

Digitaize offers two wireless modes: WAM (Wireless Audio MIDI) and Bluetooth. The primary distinction between these modes lies in their capabilities. WAM enables real-time MIDI streaming and provides uncompressed, ultra-low latency audio from the built-in microphones directly to your computer (for more details, refer to the Digitaize Audio Plugin section). Please note that WAM mode requires the Digitaize USB Receiver (included). In contrast, Bluetooth mode allows multiple instruments to connect to a single host simultaneously and connects directly with the bluetooth module of your desired device (in bluetooth mode Digitaize doesn’t use it’s USB Receiver)

Wireless Mode Change

To switch between wireless modes, follow these steps:

  1. Turn on the module by briefly pressing the button.

  2. Wait a couple of seconds until the module completed booting.

  3. Press the button two more times.

  4. The LED light will indicate the connection type and status.

NOTE: per default Digitaize will automatically operate in the WAM mode.


Both the Digitaize USB Receiver and the Digitaize Module feature individual LED indicators that convey information to the outside world. The chart below outlines the various colors and patterns associated with these indicators:







Receiver boots up


constant light

Receiver in bootloader mode



Receiver in WAM mode, advertising



Receiver in WAM Mode, connected to the Digitaize Wireless Module.



Receiver connected with the Module, module unable to pair with the receiver



Receiver transferring firmware update to the Module






fading-in or out

Module Turns On/Off



Module in wireless WAM Mode, attempting to connect with the Digitaize USB Receiver.



Module in WAM Mode, connected to the Digitaize USB Receiver.



Module in Bluetooth Mode, advertising.



Module in Bluetooth Mode, connected to the Bluetooth host.



Module connected BUT not attached to the Sensor Link


blinking fast

SOLO mode active on one of the Midi CC controllers


fading fast

Module in Calibration Mode



a short purple blink indicates the preset being being recalled, the blink time indicates the preset number



1 Blink every 2 seconds: battery under 20% charge

1 Blink every 1 second: battery under 10% charge

Constant orange

The battery is charging. This LED will turn off when the battery is fully charged.



The Digitaize software integrates your hardware with your music production software, allowing for a fully customised playing experience. Within this dedicated software environment, you can adjust settings, select playing modes, and save presets to suit your playing and performance style. Customize your sound using an intuitive interface designed for string players. Digitaize bundle includes:

  • Digitaize Connect - a central app for communicating with your module. Here you will make all midi specific adjustments, calibrate your instrument and update your software / firmware.

  • Digitaize Audio - a VST3 / Audio Unit plugin that receives the Digitaize’s real time audio stream and outputs straight to a DAW of your choice (works only in wireless WAM mode)

  • Digitaize Bridge - a background process that forwards the communication between the Digitaize USB-Receiver and the end software. This process starts on computer boot and stays in the background, no need to launch/close it.


Starting the App:

  • Digitaize Connect is a system tray app which means, unlike the regular app it appears in the top right menu bar (Mac) or bottom right system tray (windows)

  • Digitaize Connect is installed per default in the following location:

    • Mac: /Applications/Digitaize Connect.app

    • Windows: C:/Program Files/Digitaize Connect/Digitaize Connect.exe

Header Bar


The Digitaize module can store up to four individual presets directly on its flash memory. By default, all presets are identical. Any changes made to a value in the software will automatically update the active preset. All values within MAIN, MIDI CC MAPPING, and ADVANCED MAPPING are saved in the preset. However, settings from the Instrument Panel, such as Global Tuning and Sleep Mode, are global settings and will always apply, regardless of the currently selected preset.

TIP: Presets can also be changed via MIDI program change commands sent to the Digitaize MIDI port on channel 1. When changing presets, the module's LED will blink a bluish hue, indicating the number of the preset being activated.

Notification Tab

The Notification tab serves as a repository for various messages directed at the user, including reminders about missing instrument calibrations and pending software updates, among others.

Connect Cloud Tab

The Cloud tab showcases all available Digitaize products. When the module is set to WAM mode (the default setting), it establishes a connection automatically without any additional steps required. However, if you are using Digitaize in Bluetooth mode, you will need to press the blue “Bluetooth” button located at the bottom of the tab. This action will open the system's native Bluetooth pairing dialogue. Once the module is successfully paired, it will automatically appear in the Cloud tab.

When multiple modules are connected simultaneously, you will find a list of connected devices displayed in the cloud tab. To modify the settings of a specific module, simply click the “select” button next to the module you wish to adjust.

User Tab

In the User Tab, you will discover several helpful shortcuts to the knowledge base. Here, you can register your product and access the User Preferences window.

Instrument Panel



Instrument Name

The name given in the setup stage. In the WAM mode unter this name virtual I/o midi ports will be created.

General Tuning

The built-in Pitch algorithm quantifies played notes in absolute frequencies. You can adjust the center value for MIDI translations, with the default set at A=440 Hz.

Audio Source*

Switch between the two built-in microphones based on your audio needs. The selected audio source will serve both for pitch detection and wireless audio streaming. Opt for the PIEZO microphone for a more direct sound that is less susceptible to feedback. Alternatively, choose the AIR MIC for a richer, more natural sound, though it may be more prone to feedback issues.


Due to the nature of the acoustic instrument, It is essential to calibrate it regularly. Proper calibration enhances MIDI translation, leading to improved sound quality and accuracy.

Sleep Mode

When the instrument is inactive, such as when there is no movement detected, a specific duration must elapse before the module automatically powers down.

Restore Factory Defaults

Restoring factory defaults will erase all user presets, including the instrument's name, type, and calibration settings, reverting them to their original values.

*for the Stentor Smart violin this option is not available

Main Tab


Profiles are set of hardware and software settings which are tailor-made for different playing scenarios.

Playing Profile




The module analyses sounding pitch based on the microphone input and uses the digital fingerboard sensor to narrow the analysed range. If no finger press is detected it analyses the full range of the instrument.

This mode provides best midi translation results but it might be prone to external noise if played in a loud environment


The module analyzes the pitch of open strings and outputs MIDI notes only when both fingers are pressing the fingerboard and the sound envelope of a signal reaches the specified note threshold.

This mode is designed for optimal performance in extremely loud environments, where the microphone input may capture sounds from other loud instruments nearby.


The module relies on the pitch analysis only and ignores the fingerboard sensor.

In general, this mode is not useful during normal operation. However, it can be activated if the fingerboard sensor is malfunctioning or if the instrument is significantly out of tune and requires calibration.


This unique feature allows using the fingerboard as a midi keyboard / ribbon controller. When a string is pressed, it instantly triggers a MIDI note, independent of the sounding pitch or envelope.

Great for alternative playing methods, where the instrument is being treated purely as a midi controller without a need of a sounding pitch being tracked.

NOTE: in order to make the most of the profiles make sure that to calibrate the instrument beforehand.


Incorporating pitch bend into your performance can greatly enhance the expressiveness of acoustic string instruments, allowing for subtle microtonal adjustments, slides, and glissandos. When pitch bend is activated, high-resolution pitch bend values are transmitted alongside the note being played during each note onset detection. It is crucial that the pitch bend range aligns with the settings in your end software. When using a virtual synthesizer, ensure that the pitch bend ranges are consistent between the configurations in Digitaize Connect and the plugin.

Pitch bend is particularly beneficial in synthesizers and samplers that produce continuous sounds. However, for triggering 'percussive' instruments, pitch bending is generally ineffective and is often disabled within the plugins themselves, so make sure to disable it in such cases in the Digitaize Connect as well.

Note: pitch bend is, by default, a global parameter that affects all notes within a MIDI channel. When routing all strings to a single channel (the default setting) and playing multiple notes simultaneously, the most recent pitch bend value will be applied. Conversely, if each string is assigned to its own channel, there will be no conflict between pitch bend messages. Nonetheless, it remains the responsibility of the end software or plugin to determine how to process MIDI data received from multiple channels simultaneously.

Tip: Utilizing Digitaize in MPE mode allows for pitch bend to be applied per note rather than per channel. Before setting this up, please verify that your DAW and plugin support MIDI MPE input. The MIDI MPE feature can be enabled from the main tab of Digitaize Connect.


Digitaize offers a unique feature that allows for the independent physical tracking of each string on the fingerboard. This capability enables users to route each string to a different channel, providing exceptional modularity for crafting a personalized music setup. As a result, each string can be assigned to a distinct sound, allowing for the simultaneous play of instruments like drums, bass, and lead sounds based on the string being utilized.

Note: By default, all strings are set to MIDI Channel 1, meaning that all MIDI notes are directed to a single channel regardless of the string being played.


MIDI Polyphonic Expression (MPE) is an extension of the MIDI protocol that allows individual note control for parameters like pitch, timbre, and dynamics, rather than sending control messages that affect all notes at once. MPE achieves this by assigning each note to its own MIDI channel, so you can alter parameters independently for each note. This feature is especially powerful for string instruments, where each string can be played with unique articulation and dynamics.

When enabled:

  • Each MIDI note and its pitch bend are treated independently.

  • MIDI aftertouch is transmitted per note rather than per channel.

  • Upon activation, a special MPE command is sent via MIDI to configure the pitch bend range of the end software. Automatically setting the pitch bend may not always function correctly with certain plugins; therefore, the pitch bend range should always be controlled both in Digitaize Connect and the end software prior to playing.


Aftertouch is a continuous envelope that reflects the sound produced by the instrument. It provides ongoing information about the loudness or volume of each note as it plays. You can enable this feature in the MIDI CC Mappings tab.

The envelope can be further customized in terms of both reactivity and scaling. The reactivity of the aftertouch can be adjusted in the MAIN tab using the two available dials: “RISE” to set the attack time and “FALL” to control the release time. Additionally, fine-tuning the scaling factor can be done in the MIDI CC Mappings tab. For more information, please refer to the Scaling Tables.


Note velocity refers to the energy of a note calculated at the moment it is triggered during an event. To refine the note creation process, two additional controls are available:

  • THRESHOLD: This setting establishes a minimum level below which all detected MIDI note events will be disregarded. Lowering the threshold enhances sensitivity.

  • GAIN: This parameter is used to multiply the resulting velocity. It allows you to fine-tune the nuances of the note velocities produced, catering to your specific requirements.

CC Mapping Tab

Digitaize uses several built-in sensors to gather and process midi data. Each sensor data can be additionally used as a midi control change message. In this tab all available sensors are displayed.


All MIDI Control Change messages are transmitted through a designated MIDI channel, which can be selected here. Please note that if the MIDI channel is set to "none," no MIDI CC data will be sent, irrespective of the enabled status of each individual sensor setting.


The on-off toggle enables or disables sending the particular midi cc data out of the module.


The “S” toggle, when activated, permits the transmission of data exclusively from the selected sensor. This effectively disables the transmission of any other MIDI data from the module while the solo state is active. This feature is especially beneficial when assigning MIDI CC controllers in ‘auto MIDI learn mode’ within the software.

Note: When the solo mode is enabled, the LED on the module flashes yellow, serving as a reminder to the user that they are in exclusive solo mode.


Every sensor is assigned a unique MIDI CC number (address) to which it transmits its values. The application automatically prevents the configuration of multiple sensors to the same CC number outputs, thereby avoiding potential conflicts.


The hold function, which is exclusive to String sensors, allows the last known value to be retained until the finger releases the string. When the HOLD feature is disabled, the string's cc value immediately reverts to its minimum value as soon as the finger is lifted from the string.


The Digitaize digital fingerboard enables the independent scanning of finger positions on each string. This scanning process is utilized for generating MIDI notes and can also be employed to control MIDI CC values. In this mode, the fingerboard works similar to a ribbon controller or a virtual fader, allowing users to manipulate it by sliding their fingers across the strings.

MIDI CC: Aftertouch

The Aftertouch feature is not typically included among the MIDI CC controls, as it possesses its own distinct parameter code (MIDI Aftertouch). It can be accessed within the end software under this name. Alongside the MIDI note velocity, Aftertouch provides continuous volume information regarding the notes being played. This capability enables further sound shaping even after the MIDI note event has been already triggered.


A built-in 3d Motion detecting chip enables a precise tracking of the movement of the instrument while in action. 2 axis (X and Y) have been extracted to tailor-measure the most intuitive movements of a string instrument. 2 concurenntly running modes can be used:

  • POSITION: this value describes the absolute, static position of the instrument relative to the ground.

  • ACCELERATION: this value describes the velocity/movement speed of the instrument while in motion.

TODO: add instrument images with arrows showing the directions of the X and Y axis



Utilizing scaling tables enables extensive customization of the chosen MIDI CC value. You can adjust the range of the specified value by manipulating one of the white dots. Additionally, select one of the three curves located in the top left corner to determine the linearity of the scaling function.

Advanced Mapping Tab

In this section, alongside the CC Mapping Tab, users can configure a special control mode by designating a specific area on the fingerboard to function as a MIDI virtual button or toggle. To establish this behavior, you need to:

  • enable the mapping on a given string (ON)

  • select the appropriate range on the blue slider for both the minimum and maximum sensing areas.

  • depending on whether the virtual controller is intended to act as a momentary button or a toggle, you can utilize the “hold” option located next to the CC number value.


The calibration process is essential for accurately mapping the sensor fingerboard to your specific instrument. This involves correlating the data gathered from the sensor with the resulting pitch. Upon completing this procedure, the system will have enough sufficient data to enable precise translation between the position of the finger on the fingerboard and the corresponding pitch produced.

NOTE: this is the most important part of the Digitaize Setup. You can repeat it at any moment choosing the option “Calibrate” from the Instrument Setting Window.

It is strongly advised to familiarize yourself with this procedure and to perform it regularly. This is especially important if you observe some major inconsistencies in the midi translation. 

Selecting the concert pitch

Please refer to the Section Instrument Panel → General Tuning

 Tune your instrument

Use the built-in tuner to tune your instrument – each string separately. It is essential to have a well tuned instrument prior calibrating.

Choose the calibration profile

  • Basic: This profile utilizes an octave range for each string to accurately map the instrument. You will need to calibrate each chromatic tone, starting with the half tone above the open string and continuing until you reach the first octave, which is counted from the open string. The calibration for the remainder of the fingerboard will be managed by the onboard approximation function.

  • Advanced: The principle of the calibration process remains the same as in the "Basic" version; however, the calibration range is expanded to cover 2 octaves.

Calibration: Tips and Hints

  • Ensure that the instrument is properly tuned before starting the calibration process.

  • Maintain a smooth and continuous sound. Avoid abrupt changes in tone or rapid shifts between pitches.

  • Always adhere to the on-screen guidelines: play exclusively on the specified string and follow the displayed note pitches.



Each of the Digitaize Component has it’s own discrete installer and thus more components will appear in the Add/Remove Programms section of the Windows app management. To uninstall Digitaize simply uninstall each of the component starting with “Digitaize”.


To uninstall Digitaize on a Mac computer please run the Digitaize Uninstaller app which is localised here:

[your hard drive]/Library/C. Bechstein Digital/Digitaize Uninstaller.app


Digitaize provides an ultra low-latency, uncompressed wireless microphone-audio streaming experience, (available in WAM wireless mode). To enhance simplicity and modularity, Digitaize audio does not function as a standalone audio card, ensuring it does not interfere with your existing local audio interface. Instead, the audio signal is transmitted from the Digitaize USB-Receiver directly to a specially designed plugin, effectively eliminating many sources of latency. This design allows you to use other physical audio inputs from your audio interface simultaneously, without any conflicts.

To utilize the Digitaize Audio plugin, simply load the “Digitaize Audio” VST3 or Audio Unit Plugin onto an audio track in your preferred Digital Audio Workstation (DAW). Please be aware that the Digitaize Audio Plugin does not process any input signals; instead, it outputs audio from a wireless microphone. To record audio from the plugin, you must first route its output to another channel that accepts the output from Digitaize Audio as its input.

NOTE: For a detailed explanation, please refer to our online resources available at http://www.digitaize.eu .




[WINDOWS] After downloading the installer, a malware alert appears

Microsoft servers sometimes mark new software versions as 'potentially insecure' during the initial verification process. As Digitaize's app is digitally signed, you can safely proceed with the installation.

My Instrument Not Appearing in Digitaize Connect

  1. Make sure you’re following the connection steps respective to the wireless mode you’re using Digitaize with (-> Connect Cloud Tab )

  2. When using in wireless WAM mode - make sure the Digitaize USB-Receiver is plugged into the computer and the Digitaize Module is turned on. A green LED should be fading (not blinking!) on both USB Receiver and the Module. If this is not the case skip to the LED Colorus troubleshooting.

  3. When using in wireless Bluetooth mode - make sure to pair the Digitaize Module with your computer/device in the system’s native Bluetooth BLE pairing dialogue. Note that a successfully paired Module results in a blue LED fading (not blinking)

  4. [Windows] when using ASIO drivers the Digitaize Midi Ports might be already exclusively occupied by another application that uses midi. Try closing other audio applications and try again.

The app encountered a problem: Error Code 1


  1. Check if your Firewall or other Antivirus Programm disallows “Digitaize Bridge” to run. Digitaize Bridge is a background process that needs to be running constantly as it takes control over the audio and midi ports routing.

  2. Uninstall Digitaize (see Uninstallation chapter), download the installer anew and install it again.


  1. Digitaize Bridge is added to Launch Agents as a background process. Make sure running “Digitaize Bridge” is allowed in System Settings → General → Login Items

  2. Digitaize Installer installs its background processes only for the user being logged-in while in the installation process. Make sure the same user is using Digitaize as the one who installed it. Otherwise you will need to install Digitaize again for the other user

  3. Sometimes restarting the computer might help resolving this issue

  4. If none of the above steps help please uninstall Digitaize (see Uninstallation chapter) and install a fresh version

My instrument keeps disconnecting

  1. Make sure the battery of the instrument is charged. Use the attached USB cable to charge your instrument for at least 30 minutes

  2. Make sure the Digitaize USB Hub is in a distance not more than 3-4 meters from the instrument, and no solid objects are covering it.

  3. Try restarting your computer

The synth I’m controlling is playing out of tune

  1. Check that the Pitch Bend range in DigitaizeConnect matches your software settings.

  2. Check the tuning of your instrument

  3. Re-calibrate your instrument if necessary

In bow mode the notes are being triggered even if i don’t play

Try increasing the note onset threshold

The latency is too big

  1. Reduce the buffer size in your audio software. If you’re on windows consider installing ASIO drivers (recommended: ASIO4ALL : https://www.asio4all.org )

When trying to assign a controller via learn mode process it keeps assigning the wrong one.

I get duplicate midi notes

Check the routing in the DigitaizeConnect app. Make sure that you don’t route different strings or master channel to the same midi channel.

The range of the motion sensor is too big

Please refer to Scaling Tables in chapter Midi CC Assignments

The Audio signal sounds distorted/corrupted

  1. Make sure the Digitaize USB Hub is in a distance not more than 3-4 meters from the instrument, and no solid objects are covering it.

  2. Restart your computer

  3. In your destination software check the buffer size of your audio card, make sure to keep it low for the best results. If you’re on windows consider installing ASIO drivers (recommended: ASIO4ALL : https://www.asio4all.org ) as some of the default window audio drivers cannot handle such audio streaming correctly

I can’t record the audio onto the track where the DigitaizeReceive plugin is attached to

To record the audio from Digitaize, you might need to route the output of this track to an input of another track, as most of the DAW’s record the audio ‘pre’ any plugin attached. 

Contacting Support

If the issues you're encountering aren't addressed in this guide or you require further assistance, our support team is ready to help. We are committed to providing timely and effective solutions to ensure the best experience with our products.

Visit our support page at https://www.digitaize.eu/support/contact-support/


Explore a wide range of online tutorials and guides on our YouTube channel. These resources are designed to enhance your understanding and use of Digitaize products.

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